Tag Archives: garland

Heart Garland, Valentines Craft Project

Heart Garland, Valentines Craft Project

Valentines day is not a huge thing here in Australia, like Halloween (we obviously don’t have Thanksgiving or 4th of July celbertons either) but it is one bandwagon I am willing to get on for the craft side of things at least.  Also willing to accept all donations of fine jewellery and flowers, lol.




I originally wanted to make these 3D, but I couldn’t work out what to use as a frame for them that could be removed late (like a balloon), so I just went with flat ones.

The whole things was a bit of an experiment for me too, as I have never played with liquid starch before (took me 6 months to even find it).  The white ones I just used straight starch, and the red ones I used a corn flour and starch mix, roughly 50/50, with a dash of food colouring.  The ones with the corn starch turned out much firmer, but the white ones were still firm enough to work with.  Once completely dry, I traced out heart shapes with a black marker using cookie cutters.  Cut the shapes out with sharp scissors and threaded them up – ready to hang.

heart garland


Christmas Craft for Kids, Snowflake Garland

Christmas Craft for Kids, Snowflake Garland


We started making snow flakes from patty cake pans – as you do, they were so pretty, I figured we should use them for something more than making a mess.





I am sure everyone has made snow flakes before, so I won’t worry about elaborating on instructions.  We used the tin foil patty cake pans, then laminated them so they wouldn’t break and could be strung up easier.  I strung them up with fishing line, but any kind of string would have been fine.  Pretty Cool results I think.


Paper Plate Angel Garland – Christmas Craft

Paper Plate Angel Garland – Christmas Craft

These are very easy to make and can be as fancy or as simple as you like.


I usually avoid glitter when doing craft.  Sure it’s pretty, but after we use it, that stuff turns up all over the place for the next month.  ‘The herpies of the craft world’ a friend of mine called it, I think she was right.  But today I caved, because an angel needs her sparkle! Honestly, there was no template, just trial and error until I got the shape I was after.  You can see the steps in the photos below.  Double sided plates for the body would have made pretty dresses, but I couldn’t find any of those, so we stuck with white.  Of course you could get the kids to colour them or even use a different colour glitter on the body too. But I was all glittered out after the wings alone!