Wind Chime / Sun Catcher

Wind Chime / Sun Catcher

Continuing on from the Christmas decorations we made a few weeks back, using the same principal we put together this wind chime or out door decoration.  I’ll spare too much description, as its all talked about in the previous post (linked above), and its pretty straight forward anyway.

So this time we just made all stars, the kids chose their colour schemes and I wasn’t too worried about a colour theme as such.  More colour the better.  Once cooled, again we drilled small holes into a corner of each one, then threaded some fishing line to hang from a branch.  I used a tiny dot of hot glue to keep the fishing line in position.  And that’s it!  Easy peasy.

This is about the 4th time we have made sun catcher type things, and every.single.time there is no sun when I go to take photos of it.  I will hopefully update this when the some decides to come out again.

11 responses »

  1. Pingback: DIY Sun catcher/Wind chime. |

  2. The post for the Christmas Decorations that you listed, when I click on it it tells me that the post is no longer available or doesn’t exist.

  3. Pingback: 30+ Amazing DIY Wind Chime Ideas & Tutorials - Styletic

  4. I love this idea. Looking forward to being home again and trying it out. Have bought an old smaller toaster oven that I can use outside and not have to worry about the smell. When I told the lady why I wanted an old toaster oven, she loaded it up with a bunch of foil pie plates that I can use. The beads are these the ones I can get at Micheal’s?

  5. Pingback: 15+ DIY Homemade Wind Chimes Crafts for Kids - Kids Art & Craft

  6. Pingback: 6 Interesting DIY Wind Chimes Ideas To Try This Summer: Part 1 -

  7. Pingback: Garden Crafts Challenge - DIY Garden Crafts & Ideas - Red Ted Art's Blog

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