D.I.Y Leaf Print Christmas Cards

D.I.Y Leaf Print Christmas Cards

Here’s a unique home made card idea that the whole family can get involved in.  All you need is some card stock, paint (brush and roller), sequins or other bling and some tree shaped leaves.  Glitter optional!

leaf print

Coat the leaves in a thick layer of paint, we used white as I thought it would stand out nicely on the black card.  Place the leaf, painted side down, carefully on the card, then roll over it with a clean dry paint roller to press down.  Remove leaf and you should have a pretty leaf print.  If you want to add glitter, do so now while the paint is still wet so it sticks.  If you are creating more than one card, just give the roller a wipe with an old rag between leaves to remove any paint and avoid smudges.  Once dry, let the kids decorate with sequins, we used PVA to attach them – done.

10 responses »

  1. Pingback: 20 Homemade Christmas Cards Made by the Kids - hands on : as we grow

  2. Pingback: 53 Easy To Make DIY Christmas Card Ideas - Guru Koala

  3. Pingback: Christmas Card Ideas: 15 Crafty Christmas Cards - Darice

  4. Pingback: Glittery Tree Christmas Card - Best Toys 4 Toddlers

  5. I love your cards, I’m going to do them this weekend with my sons. I love the fern ones, reckon those will be the top pick ! thanks for taking the time to put them out there.

  6. I made these with my kids this week. They used absolutely wild colors that I never would have chosen, but they all ended up just looking magical! Thanks so much for the idea. The bad part is, they want to keep them all rather than gift them 🙂

  7. Pingback: Ciekawe i proste świąteczne aktywności dla dzieci. #MontessoriFriendly - Sasanki

  8. Pingback: Crafting Holiday Cards – Saturday Club

  9. Pingback: 25 DIY Homemade Christmas Cards Kids Can Make - HAPPY TODDLER PLAYTIME

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